For my thesis at the University of Applied Sciences of Amsterdam I choose to develop my own project to support charities. Currently supermarkets offer donation options for recycling receipts so that charities can get this money for their cause. My desk research and field research clearly showed that this donation method was not used to its full potential and that in many cases there was no donation option available. My thesis, the BonSteun concept, aims to prevent this. This concept is a web application concept that can be used by charities and supermarkets to get connected so the donation method can be used more efficiently.
client: bachelor’s thesis.
tools: ai, ps, id, ae, pr, xd.
year: 2018.
The links below contain interactive prototypes of the web application meant for charities and supermarkets.
Charity V1.0
Supermarket V1.0
For my thesis at the University of Applied Sciences of Amsterdam I choose to develop my own project to support charities. Currently supermarkets offer donation options for recycling receipts so that charities can get this money for their cause. My desk research and field research clearly showed that this donation method was not used to its full potential and that in many cases there was no donation option available. My thesis, the BonSteun concept, aims to prevent this. This concept is a web application concept that can be used by charities and supermarkets to get connected so the donation method can be used more efficiently.
client: bachelor’s thesis.
tools: ai, ps, id, ae, pr, xd.
year: 2018.
The links below contain interactive prototypes of the web applications meant for charities and supermarkets.
Charity V1.0
Supermarket V1.0